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Chickie Bowl 2023

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Well, the birds had no idea what was going on in the first ever "Chicken Feed News" Chickie Bowl. (Neither did I.) The Big Girls kept thinking the 'football' should go into the wrong endzone... How does one ref this?! Oh well. I'll have to rethink this for next year!

Anyway, enjoy Team Big Girls (Plymouth Barred Rocks [black and white feathers] and Black Australorps) go against Team Lil Girls (our 10-month-old, reddish-feathered ISA Browns and Cinnamon Queens).

There's even a kitty-themed half-time 'show' courtesy of our laidback adopted tabbies, Colby Jack and Curd.

Let the games begin! -Atia

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